I recently finished a new book (2022) on Lincoln by Jon Meacham entitled And There Was Light: Abraham Lincoln and the American Struggle. Meacham chronicles Lincoln’s life in terms of his understanding and reaction to slavery. Lincoln’s views would be considered draconian by today’s standards, but he continued to learn and open his heart to what he considered God’s guidance and providence.
As I read this book, I found it particularly applicable to anyone who leads an organization, including pastors. I found his actions courageous and challenging. He never seemed to take the easy way out. Rather, he acted as if he were achieving a higher purpose. At the same time, he used his wit and relational skills to convince his opponents to join him.
I love history and especially enjoy historical biographies, so I tend to like these sorts of books. I found this book enlightening. I was often surprised by the historical details that I hadn’t previously known, and my respect for Lincoln only increased upon reading it. Meacham is a gifted author and leads the reader carefully through the story. You will not be disappointed if you decide to read this book.